how to lose weight in 30 days

I’m sure there is more than one way to lose weight in 30 days but I want to talk about what

work for me.

I never follow a diet plan or starve my self out, I just  had lots of healthy sank around drink lots of water, I ate less crab more fibbers and stared active.

I will walk you throw what i did for 30 days in details.

first thing i set a weight loss target to make myself motivated and focused, I was realistic about my goals i wanted something pushing me to move foreword

I Clean out your fridge from everything unhealthy things and stock with a lot of fruits and vegetable, healthy snacks, I didn’t go crazy if i find something i like i would take it but in low fat try to eat less of it and filled up in fruits and smoothies.

I try to cut your portions at least the meats and replace it with salmon other kind of fish and sometimes chickens.

find i good workout program and start doing it.

I did my search about what kind of exercise i could do beside walking, i was a beginner i didn’t know how to do push up and all that hard stuff, I told my self I’ll start simple, Do the things i can and push my limit a little bit everyday.

I was looking for some exercise i could do in my home and i heard a lot of people talking about shun t and his cardio workout, i did some search about that, And i saw some amazing results so i though maybe this is the thing for me, I was looking for something effective for a beginner, I came across T25 i read a lot of good review and watched a lot of videos talking about it and just jumped into it.


brief about T25

its a cardio workout 25 minutes everyday 6 days a week

it has 3 Cycle alpha and beta and gamma


ALPHA Cycle 25-Minute Workouts:

  • Cardio. 25 minutes of calorie-burning, sweat-drenching cardio.

  • Speed 1.0. Ignite your quickness.Burn the fat. Fast-paced for fast results.

  • Total Body Circuit. Focus on strength and resistance – without lifting a single weight.

  • Ab Intervals. Cardio and ab intervals that shred the fat from your midsection.

  • Lower Focus. Focus on your lower-body muscles – the key toburning fatand kicking up your metabolism.

BETA Cycle 25-Minute Workouts:

  • Core Cardio. Get your sweat on! The progressive cardio-core workout is about you getting shredded fast.

  • Speed 2.0. Rev it up with Shaun’s calorie-scorching, core-focused speed drills.

  • Rip’t Circuit. Cardio … upper body … legs … abs … repeat! This si how you get ripped in 25 minutes.

  • Dynamic Core. You’ll go from vertical to horizontal and back again in this dynamic, crazy core routine.

  • Upper Focus. Shaun will help you develop the upper body of your dreams. All you have to do is FOCUS.

Gamma Cycle 25-Minute Workouts:

RIP’T UP Strengthen and streamline your biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, and chest with Shaun’s 360° upper-body moves.

EXTREME CIRCUIT Build lean muscle and burn fat at the same time! In this one, the weights never leave your hands. Not even for the warm-up.

THE PYRAMID Accelerate your reps as time progresses. This is your 25-minute cardio and strength endurance test.

SPEED 3.0 WORKOUT Faster pace. More sweat. Serious results. You won’t want to miss this 25-minute high-speed challenge.

you could bay it from Beach body website and get:


  • Quick-Start Guide.
  • Get It Done Nutrition Guide.
  • ALPHA-BETA Workout Calendars.
  • Stretch Workout.
  • 5-Day Fast Track.
  • B-LINES Resistance Band (15 lb).
  • 24/7 Online Support.
  • Core Speed (an extra DVD if your order through your Coach or Team Beach body).

you can download the fall workout for free in torrent



how was my experience:

the first day felt like the hardest thing i ever did, Sometime during the workout i couldn’t keep up, Some stuff was to hard but i did my best till the end. after the first week it got easier, Of course i had some bad days but i didn’t let it slow me and i kept pushing my self.

my final result I workout everyday and i walk no less than an hour everyday i watched what am eating and i didn’t eat anything after 7 pm i felt more energetic and active, Overall i lost 8 kg , I didn’t stop there i stayed active i workout at least 3 times a week, I walk at least once every other day, Sometimes i eat out but i try not to make it a اhabit. you should always love your self and do what make you healthy happy and free, I truly wish you the best in your journey no matter what it is.



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